DEMONS LAND is brought to life by an international team. Current contributors include:
HENRIETTA MARRIE is an Elder of the Gimuy Walubara clan of the Yidinji people, Australian aboriginal rights activist and Associate Professor in the Office of Indigenous Engagement at The Central Queensland University.
ANDREA BUBENIK is a curator and Senior Lecturer in Art History at The University of Queensland.
SIMON PALFREY is a Tasmanian writer, and professor of English at Brasenose College, Oxford University.
MARK JONES is a filmmaker and soon-to-be psychologist based in Wiltshire.
TOM DE FRESTON is an artist and writer based in Oxford.
STEPHANIE GREER is an actor based in Liverpool.
JETHRO COOKE is a composer based in Amsterdam.
LUKE LEWIS is a composer based in Oxford.
DEMONS LAND has benefited from the work of many talented, generous people. Our thanks go to:
Fleur Jones, Elisabeth Dutton, Peter Young, Bethany Kidd, Georgia Muenster, Rosie Reed, Suzie Hanna, Sally Bayley, Phil Archer, Sabine Jeleniowski, Charles Savage, Hannah Silva, Matt Bradshaw.
DEMONS LAND has been funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council, The National Trust, The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities (TORCH), the John Fell Fund, Brasenose College, and the Australian Research Council.